Aki fauaka

I can’t wait until she comes to our school she is good at art and books and more art that she dose she has been the beat and I know she will like this but I like howI uesd her web and that how I go all of this and I hope she can see this but this was so cool for me doing this and I like her art she has been doing for her book and more that she has and she like doing this becasue she want to make the kids happy from her books and her art.

Book Character Day

Today we have been doing book character and we did the main points and  I was going to be Oompa Loompa because I like how they help and make chocolate and This was so fun becasue I go to meet Aki fauaka and she Is one of the bigest illustrator in New Zealand and if you dont know what a illustrator is they are the one who draws the book and they make all of the art so the book isnt boring and so that when there is a expression point they can make a face or something that happed in the book and they can make the book fun and they make the kids more happy when there is a page with a picture and they will keep looking and it and when they read it they will know why the picture is there from the sentence.

Demitrius Visual Mihi

this is all of the thing I like doing in my time I have like math for a long time becasue math is baking because you need to see how hot It is and when you are cooking you need to see how mcuh you you for that and I like god because he has been there for me and he has help me with all of my work he has help me with the right way and I like New Zealand becasue I like we all try help and make and better life for someone and I like my family because they have helped me when I was a kid and they have help me when I needed it.

Precipitating Clouds

This was a good way for me to show how we can do this and I like it this way becaue all of you can see my work I have been doing for the past five weeks you can see all of my work from the past five weeks and if you don’t know what precipitating is I will tell you so when it rain’s that what precipitating and when it is precipitating ice might come out and it might hit you then you will get have to go home or you will have to go to a near a shop so ice dose’t hit you.

Samoan patterns

This is how I celebrate Samoan langauage week by make Art for you and because I like to make Art from different cultures and this week was Samoan. Langauage so I was thnking that I can make a Art from Samoa and becasues Its samoa langauage I will make a art about it and post it so you can see it to and if you are not a samoa it ok becasue you can allso make art at home or school and you don’t then to celebrate Samoan langauage week but you can be a good role model. At school or at home.

Mosaic Greeting

This is my way to say Kia orana and what it means to me I know you can see it and there is more things what Kia orana means and I have learnt that I can have a good life and if I can then you can there are more Greetings out there but this one I like it becasue. It comes from the beautiful Cook island I like this Island becasue of all of the wonderful breaches and I like beraches it has the sun light andits free sometimes but you can dig up hoes and more you can jump in the water and you can play in the water but you can have so much fun there and that all you need to have a good life sometimes you dont have fun but there is one by you.

Healthy Estuary and Cockles

Organizning the teams you have to Oragnizning the teams because there are other sea you can get cockles and then you have more cockles and you can give it to some many teams so you can help them and then you might get some help because you help them and they will help you so Low tide is when you can see all of the cockles and shell then you can pick up all of the cockles and the shells you can allso display the shells on the wall or somewhere in your house or your class and when it is Low tide you can go in the sea more Healthy estuary and cockles estuary that word is when it onpens up to the sea or a tipe of sea they have to make sure they are in the zone they are met to be and when it is in the sea you might see a carb so that why you have to get it from a estuary Counting the cockles you hnave to do this so you know how many there is and then you can go on the next step is to see if they are Good to eat you will have to smell it and if it smell like a weid rotten smell if they are then they know that it is not good to eat and if it has seawater it might be a good cockle to eat.



On Tuesday e Rua did some ANZAC Baking but fisrt we had to Earn it and we had to get all of the ingredients so we can make it then we had to do Step one and Two and all of the Step to get it done as you can see the Ingredients is on there and all of my writing When we were done we had to share to ANZAC biscuits if you dont know why they are named ANZAC biscuits they were named  ANZAC biscuits . Beacuse of the ingredients they didet go expired and  soggy so that why.


ANZAC FATS did you konw the one on the right side is actually the old New Zealand Army  badge they got inspired by ferns they had to make clothes and in the middle there is a Cemetery the New Zealand Army gose to Respect and they all come togther so they. Remember and Respect thsose who go to war so they can help. And on the left side there is Gallipoli that were half of the world went to go to. War they all had to go to war  and in Gallipoil there was ANZAC cove that was where half of the ANZCA Army went. I have learnt So many thing about ANZAC but the main one I was focusing on is Gallipoil.


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